NHC: I've had some ideas for awhile, concerning the end of the Chapter 123. Whether it happens or not is left up to you. I'd like to see some opinions first. Regarding Kushina's fate (Minato would only complicate things/had more of a shine in the manga)..
626 votes
Let Kushina survive and stick around! I'd love for her to stay and be there for Naruto (especially with Tsunade having already been acting as his adoptive mother). It would also be nice that Hinata would have a living, biological mother-in-law.
I'm unsure about this, but if you pull off a legitimate reason in how she lives to stick around after being brought out of Naruto (without it being completely shoehorned in), I'm fine with Kushina staying in Konoha.
I'd rather Kushina not be brought back and depart with Minato, when the time comes. I'm one of those who have felt you brought too many of the dead characters back to life (We're sorry to hear that).
No comment. I'll just leave the choice up to the others. Whatever happens, I trust you will pull it off wonderfully, and continue to make NHC great, Matt. :nod:

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GeneralDodders's avatar
Question, are you still going to have Kushina stick around? I only ask because In your poll where you were requesting feedback you told someone this:

"The fact they are not sticking around, is a good point too. And how i have it all planned out will make their departure a lot more tearful, hopefully."

I thought the majority of the voters here said they would prefer if Kushina stuck around. But if this is something you don't want to divulge that's fine. I'm just curious.